
Kidney transplant success rate?

Can be divided into acute and chronic renal failure, acute renal failure rapid progress of the disease, usually caused by insufficient blood supply to the kidney (such as trauma or burns), due to some factors of renal dysfunction or obstruction caused by toxic injury, causing the production of acute renal failure. The main reason for the long-term chronic renal failure, kidney disease, and disease as time progresses, the gradual decline in kidney function, resulting in renal failure. And this disease should be treated? Patients should pay attention to what everyday life? The contents of them out the next Oh!
Treatment focus
1. The treatment of kidney failure caused by reasons such as insufficient blood supply or blood loss, it will give patients replenish lost body fluids and water; if there is infection, then further treatment for the infection.
2. For renal function has been lost, so clinicians will be temporarily using dialysis method (commonly known as dialysis) to help remove toxins and waste; acute renal failure if not treated appropriately or can not control the disease to the acute evolved into chronic renal failure to uremia and may be life-long dialysis. (For dialysis information, please refer to the uremia articles)
3. Diet control, kidney failure patients, renal function due to damage, food to eat into the body, the resulting toxins and waste excreted not normal, and therefore must pay special attention to diet, to avoid Body burden:
a. protein restriction: No dialysis patients for renal protein metabolism can not be generated from the waste discharged, so that the situation is more severe renal failure, therefore, recommended to reduce the intake of protein; but if dialysis, then be noted that in dialysis will result in the loss of protein, it must meet the nutritionist's recommendations to maintain the body's needs.
b. limit sodium intake: a result of high salt containing sodium, in patients with renal failure the body if too much sodium and water retention can cause the body and cause heart and lung failure and kidney failure aggravated the situation. But do not use low-sodium, high in sodium content due to low potassium.
c. limit the intake of potassium: the accumulation of potassium can cause muscle weakness, severe cases can cause arrhythmia and cause the generation of heart failure.
d. limit the intake of phosphorus: phosphorus because the body will cause excessive loss of calcium, so doctors will use drugs to help control the phosphorus content in the blood, prevent the emergence of osteoporosis.
e. water intake: If too much water intake, the kidneys can not be ruled out, it will cause heart and lung edema, or failure, so moisture control is a very important issue, the doctor will be on a case the amount of urine, or dialysis to exclude the amount of water to determine the amount of water intake, generally in accordance with the previous day's urine output plus 500-750c.c.
4. Kidney Transplantation: Some patients with end stage renal failure, requiring long-term dialysis treatment, the patients themselves when conditions are suitable, kidney transplantation (transplant) can bring a better quality of life of patients; but a kidney transplant is a big project, though current medical technology has been quite good, still need to do a lot of pre-assessment, in order to improve kidney transplant chances of success.
If kidney damage is still in its early stages, it can be controlled by medication and diet, but the end stage renal failure has no hope of recovery. For chronic renal failure, there are only two ways to treat kidney dialysis treatment or kidney transplantation.
Kidney transplantation is through surgery, the organ donor's kidney transplant patient's body to accept the transplant process. Possible sources of the kidney: family, spouse, close friend or brain death and organ donation during his lifetime who signed consent. Of course, the best match of kidney transplant recipients generally received from brothers and sisters, because their genes with the most likely.
Kidney transplantation is the best way to treat kidney failure, because transplanted into the patient's renal failure is almost completely replace the function of the kidney, the patient lead a normal life.
Unfortunately, not every renal failure patients have the opportunity to receive a kidney transplant. This is because the kidneys may not be suitable or willing to donate kidneys to relatives, or because of brain death and then after the number of organ donors is far below the number of demanders. Patients have to wait until a suitable kidney for transplantation requires a long period of time, because the donor kidney to be matched with the patient's body. At this time, patients must undergo regular dialysis treatment to sustain life until you can get a new kidney transplant.
Dialysis is the filter through the selective exclusion of certain substances in the blood. That is, through artificial means after the body of a patient in renal failure, accumulation of toxic waste, water and salt excluded, so that the physical condition of the patient back to health.
Currently, there are two forms used in dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis machine is replaced with a special kidney function. Peritoneal dialysis is the body's peritoneum acts as the filter and remove toxins from the body.