
Insomnia and premature ejaculation

Insomnia how to treat premature ejaculation

Insomnia, physically weak, powerless

Best answer

Sleep affects your physique, physical impact on sexual life.
Although I am not a doctor, but I personally experienced such a situation.
Half an hour before sleep a cup of hot milk, if not so, you can drink millet gruel.
Do not sleep during the day is to do more exercise.
Allium Qi premature ejaculation drink tea, I drink, rest assured that is not a medicine, it is natural. This tea is called "man tea" and raw materials in North China used the famous "wild leek seed" and Ningxia "Wolfberry quality" made with green tea compatibility.
Allium Qi tea was called "man tea" because the Chinese leek seed is called the men "from the Yang grass"
Chinese records as aphrodisiac, and more for men, do not move, the role of Lycium is Gujing, Warming, Air, eyesight.
No side effects, many of my colleagues drank my unit!

Exercise more food to eat
Treatment of premature ejaculation spray to try the Mexican Turner, which contains the active ingredient into the body quickly in the body repair tissue damage and restore the normal function of tissues and organs

● Seven auxiliary method of treatment of premature ejaculation
①, section house ^ thing, quit masturbation. Masturbation cause premature ejaculation is an important reason, to treatment of premature ejaculation have to get rid of the habit of masturbation.
②, eliminate psychological factors. Premature ejaculation due to psychological factors are also a lot.
③, diet to restore. Eat greasy things, the best do not eat greasy, spicy, Ji Jiu.
④, improve their physique. And exercise on patients with premature ejaculation is crucial.
⑤, careful medication. So far, no medicine as the treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation cure, on the contrary there are many drugs can cause impotence, such as benzene, hydrazine da throat antihypertensive drugs, reserpine, methyldopa, etc.
⑥, quit smoking wine. Long-term smoking and drinking will lead to impotence, premature ejaculation. Therefore, smoking cessation is the treatment of premature ejaculation alcohol must be done.
⑦, suffering from premature ejaculation, you can use condoms with a double, while Chinese medicine with the use of pure tincture topical spray treatment just to vent about, 【Lungi only / vent / ^ tincture external external spray room spray in the glans penis 20 minutes prior Coronal around the head and genital sensory nerve endings to reduce the sensitivity of receptors to effectively control the occurrence of premature ejaculation, until complete inhibition of premature ejaculation.

Impotence and premature ejaculation is now very common male sexual dysfunction, and the need for comprehensive treatment, most are functional impotence, premature ejaculation, as long as the cause and provide proper treatment, most can be restored. That impotence premature ejaculation how to restore this problem, impotence and premature ejaculation is through multi-drug therapy, medicine and more including chemical composition, side effects, recommended treatment of traditional Chinese medicine with no side effects. For example: Yellow Capsule 【】 super-state is the extraction of a variety of Chinese medicines, the basic treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation, very good. If you have symptoms of premature ejaculation can use 【】 super-state Huang Capsules.
Psychological therapy, exercise therapy, diet, massage, etc. are to play the role of adjuvant therapy, and not a substitute for treatment, but usually still have to pay attention to these secondary treatment means,
Psychotherapy: the sex life of men and women both in the physiological response of the whole process, to eliminate misconceptions and increase the confidence of recovery is the most important measures.
The psychological basis of psychiatric treatment can be regular exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, can help blood flow. Movement has also been proven to improve the mental health of people as a whole. Improve their physique. Weakness, fatigue, lack of sleep, mental tension and lasting, are risk factors, should be actively engaged in physical activity, enhance physical fitness, and pay attention to rest, to prevent fatigue, adjust the function of the central nervous system imbalances. Through the above comprehensive treatment, impotence, premature ejaculation is very easy to recover.
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~ ~ Super-state yellow Capsule impotence premature ejaculation ~ ~ ~ ~ Let your glory to revive a man ... ... ~. ~

Experts suggested a premature ejaculation treatment must not blind, random cast medicine, be sure to find out the cause, and timely treatment of science, proposed the following points:

1) Note that pre-marital sex and sexual guidance. Have some knowledge of anatomy and sexual life, to understand and master the methods of normal sexual intercourse and sexual response process, not over-control sexual life, sexual life because of the number of too little, is not conducive to the release of male hormones.

2) Note should be the law of life. Enhance physical activity, such as tai chi, walking, qigong Dengjun beneficial physical and mental health and mental self-regulation.

3) the prohibition of masturbation, sexual restraint. Avoid violent sexual impulses, avoid duplication of way cross the line to extend the line to pay a second time, so detrimental to the health and undesirable.

4) regulate the mood before sexual intercourse. Emotion on the speed of ejaculation has a great influence, should be avoided anxiety, excitement and tension, to establish confidence, with the treatment. Woman to be considerate, comforting, can not blame, threat.

5) should not be lightly Lan Fu "aphrodisiac." Drug selection when the selection of some good word of mouth effect of drugs, such as medicine capsules】 【Angli Lei positive element, pure Chinese medicine does not contain any hormones, the national patent product! Cured many patients, I believe that medicine Angli Lei, I believe that the essence of Chinese medicine!

Easy method to cure premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation masturbation got some medicine to cure you is easy

Best answer

You can of food from the physical and psychological aspects of drug and other comprehensive conditioning treatment!
First, eat more food will help with the kidney.
Second, and more physical exercise, but do not over-ah
Also, the use of Jin Shi Capsule treatment. This drug is the treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation the best medicine.
Finally, a positive attitude, no problem!

Hello! Premature ejaculation refers to the penis into the vagina into the vagina before or just those that ejaculation occurred, time and more than 2 minutes. cause premature ejaculation can be divided into psychological causes of premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation and other organic causes of premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation caused by psychological reasons, such as marital relations is not, and, sex anxiety, fear, nervousness and other central nervous system can lead to cerebral cortex enhanced excitability, causing premature ejaculation. Organic premature ejaculation may be due to chronic prostatitis, Vesiculitis, urethritis caused. Other causes of premature ejaculation, such as phimosis, masturbation, etc. can also lead to premature ejaculation history. The reasons for premature ejaculation caused by different, so treatment is different, you want to treat premature ejaculation cause must be diagnosed, and then targeted therapy. I wish you health

Excessive masturbation can cause kidney loss, Yuanyang is not solid, commonly known as kidney kidney deficiency caused by decreased sexual function, back pain, nocturnal emissions Hua Jing, urinary urgency, spontaneous sweating, tinnitus, palpitations, weakness. The yin and yang of the kidney are divided, Chinese medicine theory holds that the kidney is the first clear kidney, kidney yang or kidney qi deficiency is the key. Can not blindly make chaos, chaos make the body more harm than good. Therefore, the kidney practitioners who must find the correct formal treatment. In general the main deficiency manifested as pale, cold chills, swelling, waist and legs Leng Tong, and less frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, slow atrophy male and female menopause embolism, the treatment can be appropriate, Pill , Guifu Huang Wan, Gui balls recipe; kidney is mainly for the gaunt, thin, back pain, two lower limb weakness, perceived fever, flushed cheeks, dizziness, deafness, dysphoria micro-Hot, wet dreams embolism, can be used Liuweidihuangwan, Zhibai Dihuang Wan, left go balls prescription treatment.

Premature ejaculation treatment

There is no method of non-drug treatment of premature ejaculation

Ah not to abuse drugs, it is best to see a good point under the male subjects.

Treatment should first clear cause premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation points to be considered under normal circumstances, a long-term habit of masturbation cause ejaculation in masturbation, the psychological will be asked to ejaculation as soon as possible get their own pleasure, it would appear when in the life of this Situation, said the customary ejaculation, one is caused by the foreskin is too long, too long term package glans foreskin makes the nerve more sensitive to the delicate glans, combined with repeated sexual stimulation when the glans, so it is prone to short time of life One is the glans is highly sensitive nerves in some patients more intensive the glans, the glans is highly sensitive nerve endings, so it is easy to slightly stimulated ejaculation, a cause of prostate disease, prostate inflammation, then a short time will lead to sex life, you First hospital functions can be personalized detection, diagnosis to see what specific aspects of sexual life caused by a short time, and then targeted therapy, masturbation can be caused by psychological adjustment, and rehabilitation of sexual function may choose to do, the foreskin is too long to Choose circumcision, the glans is highly sensitive and can choose to be a dorsal nerve micro-control technique, through the removal of some of the sensitive nerves in order to achieve the purpose of treatment, prostate disease, the first of its treatment.

Hello: premature ejaculation refers to the man lost control of ejaculation during sexual intercourse the ability to insert the penis into the vagina just before or ejaculation, or women to reach orgasm during intercourse frequency of less than 50% of premature ejaculation can be defined.
Cause the cause of premature ejaculation, psychological factors commonly, the foreskin is too long, too frequent masturbation, sexual nerves are too sensitive to prostatitis.
Many treatment programs, such as Chinese massage, surgery, drug therapy, sex therapy, sexual function, rehabilitation equipment, physical therapy and so on. Can cause premature ejaculation cure for the disease.

Premature ejaculation treatment without surgery

Mild conditioning premature ejaculation? premature ejaculation without surgery how long can good?

Impotence how long? Mild conditioning premature ejaculation?

Mild conditioning premature ejaculation? premature ejaculation, affecting men's health, but also affect the man's life, summed up the dangers of premature ejaculation have the following main aspects:
1, loss of self-confidence, increase the premature ejaculation condition that they do not make men "line", resulting in mental disorder, decreased self-confidence, and more heavy conditions, the formation of evil - the line cycle.
2, lack of energy, affecting the performance of the work hazards of premature ejaculation is bitter mouth, dry throat, red yellow urine, leaching - cloud, overcast - itchy, red tongue, yellow coating, pulse - a few strings, and long associated with lack of energy, fatigue God Lazy, restless sleep last night, fine thin cold, restless heart palpitations and so on, affect the work and life.
3, long-term effect of marital relations, so that the couple reach the line - at least - meet the vent - fine and wilt - soft, directly endangering the lives of the couple harmony lines, and to influence their emotions and family harmony.
4, family break - crack the hidden life in the line, the wife often do not feel the lines - fast - a sense of long-term can not be OK - at least - enough, the line will lose interest in life, leading to life on the line of indifference over the long term will Family breakdown will be hidden.

Want to completely cure premature ejaculation, drug therapy must be used, you can use 【Kami Ou - delay boutique】, Kami Ou is pure Chinese medicine, no side effects on the human body, from the root to cure premature ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse more than 40 minutes! As for the penis, premature ejaculation, impotence, kidney, room after fatigue with Kami Ou series of other products.

Characteristics of impotence

These are the characteristics of impotence it?

From last fall and since then I found my low sex drive, penis can not be strong, how is it? These are the characteristics of impotence it? I usually eat mushrooms, celery, soy products (soy products), and diet do it? Help in the. .

Best answer

Positive relationship with your diet, your poor diet, have lower sexual function is a fast cure impotence following therapeutic methods, the method is this: 10 grams medlar; cinnamon 5 grams; ginger 5 grams; jujube 15 grams of meat (meat is the jujube: jujube to the core); these few ingredients into the pot, add water, amount, and then heated to boiling; then put into a white Fu Qing Feng Tea 10 grams; to wait until after the drinking of tea to fully precipitate can be. Twice a day. Impotence cure the problem completely within one month!

Hello, according to analysis of the situation you describe is considering erectile dysfunction.
Refers to male erectile dysfunction in the sexual life, the penis can not erect or erect and soon will not be strong or strong, can not complete normal sexual life, or the penis into the vagina can not have sexual intercourse.
Erectile dysfunction multiple disease (such as genital injuries, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, kidney disease, etc.), adverse drug reactions (such as heart disease drugs, antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, etc.) and bad habits (such as heavy smoking, alcohol abuse) cause. 2. Psychological erectile dysfunction because of gender relations more discord, depression, anxiety, work pressure or other accidental trauma caused by sexual failure.

Have symptoms of impotence, it is recommended you take quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine have in mind conditioning cream Penis!
This is a Chinese medicine, the effect is very good, with no side effects, high purity!

Atrophy in a sexual performance of male cases, penile erection or can not erect but not hard, can not be sexual intercourse sexual activities difficult, the penis can not fully be known as erectile impotence, penile erection, although able to have sexual intercourse but not required hard enough to be known as impotence incomplete. Men showed normal: normal sexual desire, erectile responsive, erection duration, sexual intercourse can be interrupted to disappear after ejaculation or erectile hardness, free vagina, sexual pleasure well, no apparent change in frequency of sexual intercourse, masturbation erectile response to normal .

The main symptoms of impotence are the following:

(1), penile erection or erection can not not be strong, so that can not satisfactorily carry out normal sexual life.

(2), young people as emotional communication with sexual partners or sexual habits are not fully unified, while the emergence of anxiety and impatience, and accompanied by impotence.

(3), occasional impotence, the next one completely normal lives, a moment of tension or fatigue may be caused, not disease.

(4), impotence, although frequent, but in the early morning or masturbation penis erection can be maintained for a period of time, mostly caused by psychological factors.

In fact, impotence and premature ejaculation prostatitis only other "small problems", but if these "small problems" can not be enough to catch your attention, it may lead to prostate disease, more complex

Male sexual dysfunction (such as impotence do not move, move without the firm, hard and long, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, not

Fertility, sperm survival rate is low, prostate, etc) it not only affects quality of life, and will accelerate

Human aging.

Sexual dysfunction is a spermatogenic dysfunction or excessive indulgence, Auntie lot of wear and tear over the essence of

Also make sperm loss without side-induced disease, and the fine little less marrow, brain failure has raised, the relevant subcortical nerve dystrophy

And the fundamental point is decreased spermatogenesis, spermatogenic cause less strength enough gas is not caused by Guse.

Although short-term medication effect, but not complement the fine start by Francis Bacon, not full of water from the overflow from the markedly

Fruit, but Destructive Enthusiasm, no end of trouble, often rule the disease Shengbi disease. Only damage, not compensation

Benefits. The treatment of sexual dysfunction to restore spermatogenesis main treatment is to massage the testicles,

Can go to the hospital to consult the massage can also be purchased by the company's health Huazhi Kang AD-massage machine

101, also known as testicular massage, the main testicular hundreds of times more than their own, or nearly a thousand times the contraction of Shu

Zhang frequency and squeeze pressure to play its function was normal or abnormal, so that large amounts of sperm and secretion

Hormone, and then absorbed by its chemical and biological degradation of physical organs to maintain life activities for the real dollars of gas. Fine

Air feet foot foot cord, the solid fine astringent, brain have lent support. Smooth enough blood gas, dead and more sexual dysfunction, see

Effect most rapidly. Light by half an hour to be effective in weight from markedly within ten days, the loss of spermatogenesis

Are effective slower, which is thousands of years of experience in health secret law.

Frequently Asked Questions

General use of a few days work?
Expert doubts: varies due to personal physical, because the disease varies, usually 3-10 days can see the results,

Some people used 2-3 times in the future be able to feel energetic.

Whether the negative effects?
Expert doubts: will not have any negative effect, because the product is to use the principle of life is movement

By way of stimulating human potential to improve human quality ingredients without using any medication, please be assured

Will not hurt the testicles?
Expert doubts: will not hurt the testicles, because the machine work in a rotation, Rouan, vibration, and

Intensity is adjustable according to the situation with the added pressure of the user, in fact, the exercises long-term users or those who may be strong with a big

To the pressure is very large, which is physically strong sign.

Massage is not a substitute for manual this product?
Expert doubts: According to the theory, hand massage from a certain extent, also have a little effect, but effect

If nowhere near as good massage machine, because non-professionals, the intensity of hand massage, methods, techniques and

Precautions can not be done, there is a long time duration, and most people do not adhere to

, Which will directly affect the results, so the hand massage is not practical.

What major diseases can be cured?
Expert doubts: fine enough air self-contained, air foot diseases in addition, the unit focuses on physical fitness, physical strength

, And any diseases are easy to recover the best applications to the number of hypertension, diabetes, bronchial

Asthma. Male sexual dysfunction (impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, Hua Jing), prostatic hypertrophy, refined

Child survival rate is low with this machine can be quickly cured.

Impotence and premature ejaculation which specific symptoms?

A: In one wonderful companion due to exchange feelings of inadequacy or sexual habits are not prepared to even out, and appeared anxious and irritable, and accompanied by impotence, premature ejaculation.

II: occasional impotence, premature ejaculation, when the next general well-being of married life, may be temporary due to urgent or hard work, not a disease.

Third: Although the frequent impotence premature ejaculation, but in the morning or masturbation penis erection may persist for some time, impotence and premature ejaculation symptoms are mostly caused by psychological factors.

Four: the penis is not erect or erection will not be strong in general, so that the well-being can not be a perfect married life.

V: impotence and premature ejaculation to maintain the continuous development of existing, mostly caused by organic disease.
Ultra-pure Chinese state 【→】 ← Polygonatum capsule, which is the pure Chinese products have no side effects, does not contain hormones, with qi and yin, spleen, lungs, kidney function. Treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation, the effect is very good

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Basically you like the food contains a lot of female sex hormones You must change the diet it is getting worse

Impotence is defined as sexual intercourse is not erection or erection but not hard, that it can not insert a normal sexual intercourse Yindao Cheng disease. This is a very serious disease that would undermine the men's daily life and work, can also cause male infertility, and even family harmony, but not the disease can not be cured, or the hospital to see next regular male, and I Hunan Institute of Health recommend a Hospital, the last to go with friends, he now looks very good.

Correctly understand and treat sex life. Sex education for couples to know the meaning of premature ejaculation, prevent premature ejaculation misinterpreted as normal. Occasional premature ejaculation, the woman to comfort the man to help the man to eliminate fears and tension. After both have to put down the burden of disease. Confidence, with impotence and premature ejaculation medicine Rehabilitation Treatment!

How to treat premature ejaculation, impotence and kidney deficiency?

How to Treat Impotence Zaoxie good? impotence treatment of premature ejaculation? Genetic deficiency of the kidney?

How to Treat Impotence Zaoxie good? premature ejaculation spray what? Impotence and premature ejaculation treatment?

Questions added:

What spray premature ejaculation? How to Treat Impotence Zaoxie good?

A total of 1 other answer

Traditional medicine is impotent young Mong-fire side, or by the sex fluid wear and tear, damp, blood stasis, kidney injury panic, thinking, due to spleen injury. Proprietary agent for treating erectile dysfunction Yang, Yang and the deficiency of which the most important deficiency see Shen Juan fatigue, aversion to cold, weak waist, impotence and premature ejaculation, frequent nocturia, urinary incontinence. Yang medicine from the tuber, cinnamon, Eucommia, Morinda, psoralen, Cistanche, Curculigo, Epimedium and other drug composition, but also pure Chinese medicines, such as taking over the state Yellow Capsule 【】, Huang Jing, Chinese yam, oysters → Chinese medicine from other valuable treatment of male impotence, premature ejaculation 1 to 2 times, one two

In addition, there are chive seed from Yang Wan 25g, Epimedium 15g, Dodder 15g, bullwhip a medicine, with the tiles will be placed on the penis to slow fire for drying small study, Epimedium add some suet in the slow fire Fried yellow, together with dodder, chive seed research into a fine powder, blending evenly with the rice wine every night blunt 10g. Zhen Yang fried recipe also optional, is comprised of Cistanche 50g, Iris 20g, Dodder 20g, Shuijianbi use, day 1, 2 times service; or choose two flavor drink, Morinda 6g, psoralen 6g, water After taking fried, 1, 1, 2 times to take.

How to treat Impotence?

Treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation recipe that I found online to help you, you make a reference:
(1) chicken stew Cordyceps: Cordyceps 4 to 5, about 300 grams of chicken, a total of stew, cooked meat soup.
(2) spiced lamb: lamb to Feiyou, steamed or boiled, sliced​​, add garlic, ginger, Dougu, onions, fennel, spiced soy sauce and other spices mixed with food.
(3) sparrow porridge: Sparrow 3 to 5, to hair and internal organs, chopped fried, and rice with the porridge, add onions, salt and spices, fasting take.
(4) shrimp tofu stew: 15 grams of shrimp, tofu 3, plus light blue, ginger, salt, Dunshu consumption.
(5) shrimp fried leek: shrimp 50 grams of water till soft. After heating the oil pot, and fry 250g chopped chives, salt and other spices fry food.
There must be timely treatment of premature ejaculation, impotence, to Relax, do not have pressure. Chinese medicine is very safe treatment for premature ejaculation premature ejaculation, impotence drugs, traditional Chinese medicine treating the symptoms and causes.
☆ 【super-state Huang Capsules】 ☆, Huang Jing, Chinese yam, oysters and other precious Chinese medicine extraction. Polygonatum rhizome medicine. With qi and yin, spleen, lungs, kidney function. Impotence premature ejaculation premature ejaculation, the effect is very good.
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How to Treat Impotence

Medicine for thousands of years continue to explore, but always find a fundamental solution to the genitals are not short, impotence, premature ejaculation ways, until after the space length of bio-genetic mutation of the cucumber to 1 meter long, green pepper and weighing 3 kg, this finding Let sexologist eyes suddenly light up. Whether to change the biological structure of the gene order to achieve the effect of genetic roots education, so that the male sex organ enlargement will increase permanently, will undoubtedly become a focus of sex experts.