
What are the symptoms of cervical cancer

Early cervical cancer often no obvious symptoms and signs, can be smooth or hard cervix and cervical ectopic columnar epithelium difference. Neck tube patients due to the appearance of the normal cervix easily missed or misdiagnosed. With the lesion, cervical cancer have different symptoms, specifically what is it?
What are the symptoms of cervical cancer what are the symptoms of it does

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

1, vaginal bleeding

(1) early bleeding for more contact;

(2) advanced as irregular vaginal bleeding. The amount of bleeding according to tumor size, vascular invasion and interstitial different circumstances, if the invasion of large vessels can cause bleeding.

(3) young patients may also be expressed as menstruation, increased by the amount; elderly patients often irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause.

(4) General exogenous earlier onset of vaginal bleeding, the amount of bleeding; endogenous late emergence of the symptoms.

2, vaginal discharge

(1) Most patients have vaginal discharge, white or bloody fluid can be thin like water or Gan-like, or a stench.

(2) in patients with advanced cancer tissue due to necrosis with infection, may have a lot of rice soup or purulent malodorous vaginal discharge.

3. Late symptoms

(1) there are different symptoms according to secondary foci involving the scope.

(2) such as urinary frequency, urgency, constipation, leg pain and so on; when oppression or involving the ureter cancer, can cause obstruction, hydronephrosis and uremia;

(3) late may have anemia, cachexia and other systemic failure symptoms.