
What are the breast cancer diet taboos?

Avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, cocoa.
Ji Xin pepper, ginger, cinnamon and other spicy food.
Avoid fatty, fried, mildew, pickled food.
Avoid fat cock and other things.

Selenium can enhance the antioxidant capacity of cells, regulate endocrine and metabolism, remove toxins from the body, wonders for the prevention of breast disease. Doctors recommended the rich malt body selenium selenium Wellcome HLM Chewable better promote

The absorption of selenium and human safety without any side effects, selenium is the first choice female friend.

Do not eat spicy, stimulating, greasy foods, avoid tobacco, alcohol. Drink plenty of mushroom soup, yogurt good. Patients with light-based, but also try to eat or not eat seafood

Eat coffee, chocolate, do not eat bee products and strong irritating food.
Recommend taking cervical cancer tablets, oral liquid energy source, to prevent recurrence and metastasis is very effective.