
Want detailed breast cancer chemotherapy methods

It give you some prevention programs

The hospital should have an antiemetic injection, after using a good effect.
Chemotherapy and lead to leukopenia, decreased body resistance, lead to colds and other diseases is recommended to drink oxtail soup, it is not bored of fresh, can help to improve the white blood cell (soup to go fishing when the oil slick)
Not recommended to eat seafood parsley chives, they are made objects, is not conducive to the healing incision. After the best preserved foods and eat a little rotten fruit, vegetables, etc. These easy to induce cancer.
Do not put heavy objects on the left arm after
Suggestions do not eat sea cucumbers, soft-shelled turtle is said that cancer cells are large and easy development of nutrition. Balanced diet for the better.
X-ray often is not recommended, easy to induce cancer protection is not good.
Review once every three months after chemotherapy, after the six months.
Easily lead to breast tissue around the cancer, such as skin, lung, lymph, etc. on the skin (blade) from a small lump to immediately go to hospital.
The key is to feel a certain optimism, take part in team sports.

Selenium can enhance the antioxidant capacity of cells, regulate endocrine and metabolism, remove toxins from the body, wonders for the prevention of breast disease. Doctors recommended the rich malt body selenium selenium Wellcome HLM Chewable better promote

The absorption of selenium and human safety without any side effects, selenium is the first choice female friend.

Speedy recovery, very happy.

Clinically, breast cancer treatment is commonly used in chemotherapy, but radiotherapy and chemotherapy-induced toxicity to the patient often unbearable. Traditional Chinese Medicine with radiotherapy and chemotherapy with treatment has attenuated synergistic effect. Radiation therapy is a local high-energy rays attack the tumor, the damage caused by the body medicine called "toxic hot fire evil", Cancer Hospital Chinese medicine experts Chiffaut summary, triple therapy breakthrough in the traditional balance of a single "fire with fire," "is false theory ", and so extremely one-sided point of view, Western medicine is more beyond the surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, three major limitations of conventional treatment, conventional therapy has reached the three can not be achieved. The treatment without hospitalization, no pain, no evil attack beverages, tonic does not love evil, to take oral and topical, systemic and local, the combination of internal organs and meridian points, effective fast in killing cancer cells while increasing the body immunity, remove toxin, regulate the intracellular environment, stable gene repair damaged genes, the prognosis of breast cancer recurrence is not easy, still critically ill patients with advanced rapidly effective.

Chemotherapy, should be based on the patient's specific condition to develop, disease status quo, medicine is also changing ah

Treatment program is based on patient specific pathological type and stage of the patient's body to decide. Online recommended because they can not face consultation, patients do not understand the situation, only as a reference.