
The diet of breast cancer patients during chemotherapy

Now in chemotherapy, the patient nausea, eat less rice next, what breast cancer patients during chemotherapy diet should pay attention to what?

"During chemotherapy in patients with common pale mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and even can not eat, do not diet during this period there are too many taboos, as long as the following general principles, can eat all you want: do not eat bad or irritation of food, eating smoked, grilled, pickled, fried and salty foods, with the thickness of the grain staples such as rice, corn, buckwheat little Mecca, to ensure nutritional balance in chemotherapy patients at different stages of the diet can be a little focus: chemotherapy before appropriate to add protein, according to the nutritional needs of patients, the choice of eggs, dairy, lean meat, poultry and soy products such as food, eat more fruits and vegetables during chemotherapy and other foods rich in vitamins to enhance immunity, severe vomiting who in chemotherapy, avoid eating within 2 hours before chemotherapy and then a way to add energy to eat small meals often, the patient is only able to eat, enough to eat enough to insist on completion of full course of chemotherapy, to ensure the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
Other traditional Chinese medicine and extracts, such as ginsenoside Rh2 (fortification elements) in the inhibition of tumor growth and spread quickly, but also can greatly improve the patient's appetite and improve patient's quality of life. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy combined with traditional Chinese medicine can play ginsenoside RH2 attenuated synergistic effect. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy after ginsenoside RH2 use of Chinese medicine can play a role in the prevention of recurrence and metastasis, such products now, "Fortunately, this" capsule is the only brand of products marked content, the content of up to 16.2%. In therapy, the use of ginsenoside RH2 vital essence of traditional Chinese medicine to reduce pain, improve quality of life is an effective way to hospice palliative type.