
Half of the liver have problems after chemotherapy for breast cancer surgery

Chemotherapy for breast cancer surgery two times a year and a half, now do B half of liver problems, is not representative of the transfer, and how the treatment.

Patient information: Female 63 years in Wuxi, Jiangsu
Disease description (time of onset, the main symptom, etc.):
May the year before that. Knife to open in September.

And whether treatment was allergies, genetic history:

Chemotherapy is the use of chemical drugs to kill cancer cells, inhibit tumor cell growth and reproduction and the promotion of tumor cell differentiation as a treatment, it is a systemic treatment of primary tumor, metastases and sub-clinical metastases are treatment, but chemotherapy to treat cancer in killing tumor cells, but also to normal cells and immune (resistant) cells with killing. Radiation therapy is the use of X-ray, γ-line, electronic line such as radiation exposure in the cancer tissue, due to biological effects of radiation, to the maximum amount of anti-cancer tissue, cancer tissue damage, so shrinking. Chemotherapy for bodily injury was relatively large. I am a health care worker, is not opposed to Western medicine, Western medicine does not only better, it can only be surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, cut and then cut until the end of life, patient has been spent in pain. From the Chinese perspective, Chinese medicine, cancer is the lack of righteousness, Qi stagnation, Phlegm and blood stasis caused by the course of time, Chinese medicine treatment of cancer to the "Endometriosis" principle, through the yew herbs Qi Australian brand will induration broken up, prolong life, relieve pain, prevent recurrence and metastasis, ultimately, "long-term survival."

First note that chemotherapy diet: eat less greasy cold things, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and less salty than sweet, edible fish Laobie, and sea cucumber.