
Teeth seemed to be floating, particularly uncomfortable at night

Will the dentist these days my teeth are sore, I feel like the teeth seemed to be floating. To feel particularly uncomfortable at night when

Will the dentist these days my teeth are sore, I feel like the teeth seemed to be floating. To feel particularly uncomfortable at the time, may I ask how is it?

Hi this is caused by gum allergy! A quick sharp tooth nerve pain suggested three points: 1. taking vitamin C, pay attention to the food supplement rich in vitamin C. 2, get up every morning, before going to bed at night with light salt water gargle. 3, it is recommended to prevent the use of anti-allergy toothpaste Susi Da gingival recession, bleeding.

To prevent the professional dental treatment and do not be afraid to trust the doctor's professional standards.
Fear most is to miss the best treatment time, after the remedy it difficult.
Unlike other dental diseases, osteoporosis if not self-repair when damaged.
Unlike the skin is broken, will repair itself.
I wish a speedy recovery!

Apical joint inflammation and hypersensitivity symptoms, treatment recommendations in a timely manner