
Bone marrow transplantation on their bodies influential?

The so-called bone marrow transplantation is not literal, as is true bone quality. Early studies on the treatment of leukemia, when medical scientists discovered that the body produces bone marrow is the source of the blood, bone marrow contains blood cells have been! limited by the prevailing conditions, they Health is often a direct extraction of bone marrow, make the appropriate transfer after implantation in vivo in patients, so this treatment is known as bone marrow transplantation. in the future, has been using this name down.
With the deepening of medical research and the application of advanced medical equipment, medical scientists found in human bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells and found that bone marrow contains not only hematopoietic stem cells in the blood also contains only content and bone marrow far! as directly from the Method of extracting bone marrow donors will bring great pain, so start using hematopoietic cells isolated from the blood method, so that the pain was donated to the lowest level.
After the separation of blood, will re-enter to donate the blood vessels in the stem cells remained in a separate container, waiting for transplantation. separators of course, is sterilized, without fear of blood, "went away"when by the bacteria against .
In addition, human bone marrow is able to produce stem cells without the loss of that part of the worry about 10 days, the donor stem cells in the body will restore the original level.

The state is now free citizens of donor hematopoietic stem cells provide a good benefits, for example, donors have 10-15 days of paid training leave, and to give condolence money, etc. 3000-5000 dollars, the Ministry of Health also asked related medical units To ensure the physical and mental health donors!

No, definitely not.