
Pregnant women how to do with toothache

Pregnant women how to do toothache

When a pregnant woman toothache, oral diseases frequently occur in such a critical period of a hundred drugs Nothing pregnant women how to do prevention and treatment of oral disease? Stomatology Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, deputy master towards prevention, said: Cause of oral disease in pregnant women is hormonal changes.

According to Deputy Director Wang introduced during pregnancy because the body produces hormones change, so that the amount of reduction in saliva secretion, leading to changes in the oral environment, the ability to disinfect and neutralize the PH value decreased to stimulate the gums, promote tooth decay and periodontal bacteria breeding ground for bacteria, so that the gums counterparts within stimulate the bacteria are very sensitive, causing chronic inflammation of the gums produced the phenomenon, but also easy to tooth decay, making dental disease in pregnant women produce the chances, if severe, can lead to tooth decay and gum disease produces.

Increase the frequency of change and eating eating habits. When pregnant, pregnant mother because the demand for food increases, the situation becomes much they eat frequently, especially acidic foods or sweet nature, such as: fruit juice, candy, desserts and other times with eating sugary food intake are increases, the sticky sweet foods and acid remain in the oral cavity to increase the opportunity easily to cause tooth decay and tooth sensitivity, the case of the accumulation of dental plaque in the oral cavity will increase.

Pregnancy reaction: morning sickness. During pregnancy, morning sickness phenomenon occurs Bulletin boards, vomiting acid reflux, spit acidic substances likely to cause tooth decalcification, if not timely mouthwash, gastric acid will corrode the tooth surface and can lead to tooth decay.

Director Wang suggested that if pregnant women have toothache case, try cutting a small piece of ginger bite in pain, when necessary, can be reused, sleeping in the mouth anyway, this is a very safe and reliable a prescription.

Or take an ice friction rub thumb and index finger bones connected "V" word zone, the pressure in this part of the ice gently for 5-7 minutes. This method can be 50% to alleviate pain. If a dental disease in pregnant women appears frequently to be sure to go to regular hospital treatment without delay chaotic drug use.