
pregnant mother haze protection measures

Haze "V heavily pregnant mother haze protection measures which should be done?

Keywords: pregnant protective measures haze of fog and haze pollution healthy baby development during pregnancy

[Abstract] fog mainly containing various acids, bases, salts and dust, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances, the composition of the haze is more complex, including sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, carbon particles, dust, heavy metals and so on. Long-term exposure to ambient haze, pregnant mother's respiratory, heart and fetal growth

Fog mainly containing various acids, bases, salts and dust, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances, the composition of the haze is more complex, including sulfates, nitrates, ammonium, carbon particles, dust, heavy metals and so on. Long-term exposure to ambient haze, growing pregnant mother respiratory, heart and fetus will be severely affected.

Haze affect fetal brain development.

Environmental pollution may interfere with normal embryonic development, causing some birth defects or congenital malformations. A US study showed that the mother's pregnancy environment where dust pollution harm fetal brain development, which may affect children's academic performance. This is because the fog and haze of major pollutants "polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons" (mainly from vehicle exhaust and factory emissions) can pass through the placenta to the body of the fetus, seriously affect the fetus's IQ level. Long-term in heavily polluted air environment, after the baby is born body symptoms of anxiety, depression and attention deficit, etc., which affects far above normal levels, the possibility of autism is twice as common for children!

Haze affect fetal weight and head circumference.

There was a US study showed that living in a more polluted environment pregnant mother, who delivered the baby birth weight reduced by 9%, 2% reduction in the number of head circumference, compared to the relatively good air pregnant mother who delivered the baby no significant change.