
Fiber nephrolithotomy dug "spillway trough" lift hydronephrosis

Grape size kidney stones blocked the door, causing the kidney to form a "lake" water seriously. Recently, Ms. Yang serious condition, and finally in Wuhan Kyoto stones Hospital successfully blocked the mouth of the stones in the renal pelvis dam burst, forming a "flood slot", and remove the kidney water danger.

Kidney stones troubled years once the door blocked

Ms. Yang, 59, is a junior civil servants in Xiangfan, according to Ms. Yang to reflect, she has not love to drink water and exercise, twenties suffering from kidney stones, over the years, always stage kidney stones manner frequently, so she'd rather die. Yang tried various methods, medication, injections, extracorporeal lithotripsy to no avail, for which she is still a local hospital had two at the waist drilling, piercing establishment kidney stone surgery channel, this surgery on the kidney damage Great, one of which also appeared in nearly a month in hospital bleeding catch lives.

But fate would have it, kidney stones again Yang "betray" a month ago, Ms. Yang kidney stones and attack, appeared waist pain, urinary frequency, urgency, poor urine, hematuria, vomiting, so hurry to the hospital, it was in the right kidney kidney stones blocked the door was a local doctor recommended surgery minimally invasive drilling stone, because the two perforated stone waist unforgettable experience, Ms. Yang could no longer accept the plan of operation .

Advanced fiber nephrolithotomy lift hydronephrosis crisis

After reading medical niece introduced in Wuhan, Wuhan Kyoto stones hospital treatment of kidney stones without the use of minimally invasive drilling stone, is the use of fiber nephrolithotomy through the urethra noninvasive kidney stones can be removed, Ms. Yang With extreme excitement attracted to the Chinese for help. After the examination, Ms. Yang multiple kidney stones, and have a 20 × 24mm of grape sized stones blocked pelvis mouth, causing urinary tract obstruction, causing the kidney to form a "lake" water seriously, swelling obvious. If he did not promptly treated, it may lead to loss of kidney function.

Urinary stones by the hospital experts Hu Chun, director of change, but Ms. Yang stones physique, body structure stiffer kidney stones, kidney stones can take advantage of the current international treatment of advanced equipment fiber nephrolithotomy were no trauma, no injuries and kidneys kidney stone surgery. Fiber nephrolithotomy is the use of the body's natural passage into the urethra, the bladder, ureter direct kidney stones stove, with holmium laser to crush kidney stones, gravel removed from the urethra with a large set of stone basket, powdery gravel excreted in the urine . Therefore, non-invasive surgery on the kidneys, not to hurt the body, observing four days can be discharged, Ms. Yang will be gladly accepted the surgery.

Hu Zhuren remind, had kidney stones is not terrible, as long as you choose a good professional hospital and surgical options, try not to blindly choose for kidney stone surgery trauma. With the advent of high-tech fibers nephrolithotomy medicine, which fill the gaps in the central region of non-invasive treatment of kidney stone technology. If you suffer from kidney stones, but also unwilling to accept the traditional stone trauma of surgery, you can call our health hotline