
Breast pain is a precursor to breast cancer or its symptoms?

Recently my wife was sick breast pain is a precursor to breast cancer or symptoms? Need surgery to heal?

Hyperplasia is the cyclical nature of hormonal changes leading to the proliferation of epithelial cells after menstruation subinvolution, long and

Long time, resulting in substantial proliferation of breast, forming nodules or mass; is a result of the accumulation, the problem is, only

There are very few hyperplasia possibility of malignancy, therefore, hyperplasia itself is not terrible. Importantly, the

In which modern medicine can not answer hyperplasia, proliferation of the patient which can evolve into cancer.

Not, check to see if they do breast hyperplasia caused by

Not necessarily, longer seen in lobular breast pain, benign breast disease and other diseases, there is a certain relationship with the menstrual cycle, many women will appear in the pre-menstrual breast pain, mostly due to lobular hyperplasia.