
Hepatitis B patients with hepatic hemangioma

Hepatitis B patients with hepatic hemangioma have on how people pay attention to maintenance?

Patient information: Male 41 years old Zhong County, Chongqing
Disease description (time of onset, the main symptom, etc.):
1, the right hepatic lobe before and after the leaves on the lower section of stations, consider the possibility of a large hemangioma.
2, left renal cyst.

How do want to help:
1, How to maintain life on the day?
2, time to know how to change hepatic hemangioma?
3 'of the people with hepatitis B disease itself (three positive) after suffering from liver hemangiomas than the average person suffering from liver hemangiomas easier to worse?

And whether treatment was allergies, genetic history:
Just Huanyi Gan disease when treated, has three positive, not the genetic history of allergy.

Hello, positive "refers to hepatitis B," two pairs of semi-"Check the five indicators, surface antigen, E antibody and core antibody were positive. Diet with three meals a day: morning and noon meals time, which can have a meat meal, but suggested it is best to eat light at night classes and vegetarian category; add green beans in the best meal, drink water, green beans, bean soup is also good. The main effect is to detoxify, to reduce the liver burden; before going to sleep at night you can eat peanuts and dates, is better. In addition, every day to ensure adequate sleep, there is time to ensure that daily nap, night sleep time can not be less than 8 hours, noon to ensure that 2 hour nap.

Proposed to strengthen the inspection ct to confirm the diagnosis.
Hemangiomas just check it out, do not rush to treatment, on a regular basis (three months or six months) review the monitoring and evaluation of liver ultrasonography, such as hemangiomas did not change, go on to observe; such as hemangioma continued to grow, increase, or abdominal distention, liver discomfort suggested "clear stream" clean-up series of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of liver and gallbladder, to eliminate the symptoms, control of growth. Always pay attention to maintaining emotional stability, not frequently angry in a hurry, eating light, Eat spicy things, quit alcohol. May be appropriate to eat kelp, seaweed, shellfish, radish, hawthorn, gourd, orange leaves, Ju, orange cake and other food.

Liver tumor bulk rehabilitation - not surgical eradication of hepatic hemangioma

Effective course of ten days 3-7 the complete elimination of a variety of clinical symptoms, complete recovery
Scattered by the liver tumor rehabilitation medicine with over 50 years professional experience in a senior physician Professor Kong Biaoru, combined with the traditional remedy to collect a large number of non-Cuban side, prescription based on the successful development of cures cure for liver hemangiomas, has thousands of relieve pain and suffering of patients suffering from pain. Is currently the preferred treatment of hepatic hemangioma cure, with similar products and treatments beyond six times the super-large pharmacological role in viral DNA replication process with superior interference, completely blocking viral DNA replication, and rapid clear the virus in liver and blood vessels, eliminating the tumor.
Liver tumor bulk is family medicine rehabilitation successor Professor Kong Biaoru through the years, painstakingly developed a significant research results, after 4 more than one thousand cases were proven effective and reliable domestic and international