
eating fish oils can prevent breast cancer?

I heard that eating fish oils can prevent breast cancer, right?

Fish oil is a very nutritious food, and Herceptin also found that women who eat fish oil can greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer. However, because fish oil high heat, a female friend in the consumption of good amount of time to control, to avoid the opposite effect.

Fish oil supplements contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), regular use can reduce the risk of breast cancer 32%. Fish oil supplements reduce the risk seems to be limited to invasive ductal breast cancer, which is of such diseases, the most common type. So long as sufficient quantities of fish oil supplement, women with breast cancer will be able to stay away from trouble. For those women with high fat content in fish oil, when used in moderation, so as to prevent their being overweight, resulting in the possibility of other complications resulting. In the fish oil supplementation, while Herceptin to remind a female friend in peacetime but also to strengthen their physical activity, strengthening the constitution, this is the root of disease prevention.

Fish oil is a good food, eat more female friends can effectively prevent the invasion of breast cancer. But a female friend but also a clear point that Herceptin can be effective treatment for breast cancer.



Tumors are wasting disease, in cancer patients in nutritional imbalance, malnutrition is common. Therefore, increase appetite, strengthen the nutrition rehabilitation of cancer patients is very important. Daily lives to pay attention to nutrition and reasonable, the food kind of shift as far as possible, eat more protein, more vitamins, low animal fat, easily digestible food and fresh fruits, vegetables, eat the old bad or irritating East 4, less eat smoked, grilled, pickled, fried, salty food, with the thickness of the grain staple, to ensure nutritional balance.
Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty five ignorant, each flavor has its special role. Acid can converge, Sheng Jin appetizer; sweet to replenishing spleen; hard to vent, the dampness, a small amount can be an appetizer; spicy appetizer also; salt can pass, the software firm. Flavors of food are basically over, or a few taste mixed together, the rehabilitation of cancer patients should choose a certain anti-cancer compounds and Endometriosis and the role of food.
Wide variety of nutritious foods, in addition to rice, wheat, millet, soybeans loaded, chickens, sheep, beef is the qi of food, edible physically weak cancer patients. Ducks, turtles, turtle, fish, fish, prostitution is a spleen tonic food, sea cucumbers, jellyfish, abalone, seaweed, water chestnut, water chestnut can be Endometriosis, can eliminate "lump", fungus, hedgehog mushroom, mushrooms, lily mushrooms and other edible mushrooms have a certain anti-cancer effect. Especially the nutritional value of mushrooms all over the mushroom, containing seven kinds of human essential amino acids, calcium, copper, iron, manganese and other trace elements emblem, also contains a variety of sugars and enzymes, can improve and enhance human immunity.