
What reasons can cause infertility?

Those reasons can cause infertility?

Cause of female infertility caused by what are generally? That good treatment of this disease to that?

1, vaginal diseases

Vagina due to vaginal atresia or other congenital factors in sexual intercourse every other obstacles or difficulties, which affect the sperm into the female reproductive tract.

Because of mold, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, chlamydia and other infections of the vagina inflammation of the Yin Daosheng of the environment, reduce sperm motility and viability, thus affecting the pregnancy.

2, cervical lesion

Cervical congenital anomaly, atresia or stenosis, polyps, erosion, tumor, adhesions can affect the sperm through; cervical mucus anti-sperm antibodies exist, is not conducive to the sperm penetrate the cervix or complete loss of sperm mobility.

3, uterine factors

Congenital absence of uterus, infantile uterus and no real uterine cavity dysplasia or other abnormalities can affect female fertility. Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial inflammation, intrauterine adhesions are the cause infertility reasons.

4, tubal factor

Tube is too long or narrow, tubal occlusion of the lumen caused by inflammation, water or adhesion, will impede the sperm, eggs or fertilized eggs of the operation. Tubal disease may account for 25% of female infertility is a major cause of infertility.

5, ovarian factors

Ovarian hypoplasia, luteal phase defect, premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian tumors of follicular growth factors or eggs can cause infertility discharged.

6, endocrine factors

Hypothalamus - pituitary - ovarian axis regulation between the three imperfect performance of anovulatory menstruation, amenorrhea or luteal dysfunction, these endocrine factors are possible causes of infertility.

Hyperthyroidism or low, or lower adrenocortical hyperfunction can affect ovarian function and hinder ovulation.

These are the causes of female infertility caused by introduced, I hope will help you, then check in the treatment of this disease and I know that Shanghai on the Yangtze River home of infertility hospital for good, so if you have a need to go there to see, finally I wish you health.

Hello, the main factors of female infertility:
1, ovulatory dysfunction, manifested as menstrual cycle without ovulation, or despite ovulation, luteal function after ovulation but not perfect.
2, genital congenital anomalies or acquired genital lesions, obstruction from the vulva to the fallopian tube patency and function of the reproductive channels, prevent sperm and egg meet, leading to infertility.
3, immunological factors: the means the female reproductive tract or the presence of serum anti-sperm antibodies cause agglutination of sperm with each other, the loss of vitality or death, resulting in infertility or infertility. In addition, some present in the serum of infertile women have their own egg zona pellucida antibody-like material, can hinder the sperm penetrate the egg is fertilized, can also cause infertility.
4, sexual disorders, lack of knowledge, systemic diseases and other causes of infertility unexplained causes of infertility accounts for about 1 / 3.
5, infertility, habitual abortion, referring to two or more consecutive pregnancy occurred in the same tire stop the phenomenon of infertility or stillbirth, infertility is a category, many of the common diseases of pregnancy outcome, the total incidence of pregnancy 1 %, but the rise in recent years.
Recommend to the formal center of infertility reproductive targeted professional inspection, timely and clear the cause, in the heart of home birth right of reproductive norms under the guidance of the treatment system, so as to timely cure, early pregnant with healthy babies.
Good luck!

Vulvovaginal factor infertility such as congenital malformations such as congenital absence of vagina
Uterine factor infertility, such as endometritis and uterine fibroids
Tubal infertility caused by tubal adhesions cause inflammation of the sperm and egg can not be combined
Congenital uterine malformations can lead to infertility
Factors such as congenital absence of ovary ovarian
Systemic diseases such as malnutrition
Central effects such as ovarian endocrine imbalance between

Must go to regular hospital checks, generally large hospitals have specialized reproductive center, that is, infertility treatment, not to obstetrics and gynecology, as a bunch of checks and no focus.
Infertility caused by many reasons, I think we should let the man for a check, convenient but also simple if you make a HSG done to check the flow of people, usually caused by the tubal blockage, if it is pass, and then check hormone levels and antibodies, if the are normal, further ovulation monitor to see if the problem is not the egg, the basic will be able to know why.