
Toothache when eat sweet

Each time to eat sweet, severe tooth pain hot foods, brushing teeth is also afraid of cold water bleed easily, is this what dental?

Patient information: Male 25 years old
Condition described in (time of onset, the main symptoms, etc.):
Around one and a half ago, and now increasingly serious. The main symptoms, teeth sensitive to cold, hot, sweet, brush your teeth will be painful case of toothpaste, easy bleeding.

How do want to help:
What is the dental? How should the treatment, the treatment will not be very troublesome pain? What causes, how to avoid?

Situation and whether there was allergy treatment, genetic history:

Recommend that you go to regular oral hospital once the symptoms show you: It may be of dentin hypersensitivity and periodontitis, you should make the system of treatment, no pain.

May be lit, and recommended to eat three days of cephalosporin and metronidazole look good, if not the best view to the hospital as soon as possible, to find a regular dental hospital, dental problems can be very flexible.