
Is it the signals for big teeth dental?

[Abstract] everyone has teeth, healthy teeth, gums, full, lived gingival papilla filling teeth, is difficult to see with the naked eye the existence of teeth. Beijing You An Hospital, Capital Medical University, Department of Stomatology, director Chen Shizhang also noted: As women enter middle age, the loss of bone calcium in the beginning, especially after menopause, there will be widened between the teeth and so on.

Everyone has teeth and healthy teeth, gums, full, lived gingival papilla filling teeth, is difficult to see with the naked eye the existence of teeth.

There are two reasons for the increase between the teeth. Some people may be inherent in some teeth, too small, too large so that some parts of the teeth is normal. Pathological teeth increased, it is usually caused by periodontal disease. In particular, the persistence of chronic inflammation, recurrent, resulting in alveolar bone resorption, gingival recession. To a certain degree of gingival recession, root exposure can lead to loose teeth, or even fall off.

Beijing You An Hospital, Capital Medical University, Department of Stomatology, director Chen Shizhang also noted: As women enter middle age, the loss of bone calcium in the beginning, especially after menopause, there will be widened between the teeth and so on.

As a result, the teeth will feel the pain experienced hot and cold sweet and sour. Meanwhile, the exposure of the root is also vulnerable to the accumulation of food debris and plaque occurrence of dental caries. So before and after menopause, women especially vulnerable to dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other dental problems. In addition, menopausal women saliva secretion decreased, weakening the role of oral self-cleaning, coupled with the impact of changes in endocrine levels, many women will experience dry mouth, astringent, burning tongue and other mucosal discomfort, but also prone to recurrent mucosal ulcers, flat moss and other oral mucosal diseases.

So, people with big teeth, how to prevent oral disease should it? Chen Shizhang said: first of all to pay special attention to maintain oral health, to develop sooner or later, the habit of brushing and mouthwash after meals, preferably in the brush while flossing; the same time, every morning and evening can be "call-tooth" training and massage the gums, which can contribute to periodontal blood circulation, increase the resistance of the gum tissue, slowing alveolar bone atrophy; In addition, menopause oral paresthesia occurs, can add some calcium, vitamin and so on. Into the post-menopausal women at least a year to see plays dentist; Once loose teeth, chewing and weak, should seek medical advice.