
Genetic freckles there are ways to get rid of it

Genetic freckles there are ways to get rid of it? ? ? Thank you very much troubled

Shao there are several effective therapeutic approach --- try

Tomato Sauce: 1 cup tomato juice or drink per day regularly eat tomatoes, better prevention and treatment of the role of freckles. Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, known as "Vitamin C in the warehouse." Skin can inhibit tyrosine enzyme activity, effectively reduce the formation of melanin, so that the skin white and tender, dark spots fade.

Cucumber soup: Take 100 grams of rice, 300 grams of fresh cucumber, salt 2 grams, 10 grams of ginger. Wash the cucumber, peeled and cut into thin slices to the heart. Rice, washing clean, wash ginger Paisui. Pot, add water about 1000 ml , set the fire, under the rice, ginger, Wu Huo boil after the switch to gentle heat slowly cook until rice bad nowadays into the cucumber, then cook until thick soup, into the salt seasoning. the second day, warm clothes, you can moisturize skin, beauty cream, lose weight. Regular consumption of cucumber soup, to remove freckles, whitening skin.

Sugar lemon juice: mix the lemon juice, add crystal sugar drink. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, 100 克 lemon juice contains vitamin C up to 50 mg. In addition it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins and so on. Changyin lemon juice, not only white and tender skin, the skin blood vessels to prevent aging, eliminate facial pigmented spots, but also has the role of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Red dates, black fungus soup: Take 30 g black fungus, red dates 20. Wash the black fungus, red dates, plus adequate water, cook about half an hour. Day early, after dinner each time. Often taken, can Totale cream, bodybuilding muscle abundance, and for the treatment of facial spots, Xingshou.

Carrot Juice: Fresh carrot crush Ji Zhi, take 10-30 ml morning and evening after washing face to face shoot juice, to be coated with vegetable oil dry hands pat the face. In addition, drink one cup a day Carrot juice is also freckle effect. because the carrots are rich in vitamin A of the original. Vitamin A was originally in the body can be converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A has a smooth, strong role of the skin, and rough skin and freckles prevention.

In addition, water used to boil with a melon vine facial, bath, moisturizing the skin, eliminate freckles. Marigold leaf juice also has the effect of skin spot removers. The marigold leaves pounded, juice obliterated face, both eliminate freckles, but also fresh and white skin. dandelion flower water can also be used for spot removers, take a dandelion, pour one cup boiling water, cooling filter, then sooner or later face dandelion flower water, can clean the face and less risk of dermatitis.