
Low back pain during pregnancy prevention methods

After the man walking on two legs, lower back pain meant to be. Moreover, as the stomach hung a heavy bag, do pregnant women, pregnancy back pain low back pain how to do? We summarize the experience of some pregnant mothers, and large share.

I am 26 weeks pregnant, was feeling when bending over when the waist pain, hand just to achieve what no longer bend the knee, and sometimes lift heavy objects, but also the feeling of pain, this is also the case before pregnancy, but the Event later there will be better, I ask, what is the reason low back pain, lumbar muscle strain is that thing? Well the fetus would be affected? me this time, how to do, would be better?

The Solutions to pregnant mothers in the low back pain, we take a look at the reasons for low back pain

Why back pain pregnant mother?

We are not a straight spine Lego. Even if we are standing, I quite like a word or two bend the spine: the neck and waist. The spine to bend, as the festival. As the muscles, ligaments, also will reach or after the bend. Disc annulus filled with the role of elastic pad can cushion the impact of the pressure evenly distributed in each cage.

Herein lies the crux of the problem. 25 years old, will reduce the water content of intervertebral disc, fibrous ring that will affect the flexibility, it reduces flexibility. Maintain a long position is not correct or that incorrect posture can cause recurrent rupture of annulus. Annulus is too hard will make joint poor state, resulting in the center of the spinal nucleus outflow, thereby stimulating the disc around the sensitive nerve, which is pain. The best way to deal with the pain is prevention.

In pregnancy, belly big up day, feeling more and more heavy, pregnant women, the symptoms of lumbar pain also appeared.

1, a heavy belly, unable to maintain the correct posture, lumbar muscle fatigue it causes low back pain. To say, people walk on two legs after back pain meant to be. Not to mention stomach hung a heavy bag, like pregnant women do, or equal to the union said, causing low back pain is a matter of course.

2, the human body due to pregnancy hormones change. After pregnancy the baby to the smooth delivery through the birth canal, an endocrine hormone, can link to the ligaments of pelvic relaxation, this hormone also play a role in muscle relaxation, increasing the curvature of the spine, so easy to back pain.

3, the basis of lack of exercise physical decline caused by man. Physical decline can not maintain a normal posture, it is easy to back pain.

4, in addition to the uterus and fetus can also cause low back pain. Back pain during pregnancy tend to focus on the late, especially pregnant twenty fifty-six weeks later, this time gradually increasing the uterus, abdominal bulge forward, standing time, the center of gravity forward, in order to maintain the body's balance, the body of pregnant women will be tilted back, the focus falls on the hips shift back, upper body weight of pregnant women by the lumbar spine and lumbar muscles to bear.

Tips: the daily life of pregnant mothers low back pain care

First, the daily walking notes sit

1, the pregnant mother to sit

The center of the buttocks on the seat, not only the half of the hip edge of your seat. Sat down, gently twist the waist, the body's center of gravity to adjust the spine to the hips. In addition, the height of tables and chairs should match, when you straighten the back, the tables should be located above the navel, the breast below.

Tip: choose their own chair. Too bad the chair is too high, try to look inside to sit back and close with the lower back. In addition, the easy settlement of the cushion sub tiring to sit up, so a little hard to choose. The back of the couch back a little cushion pad is best.

2, the pregnant mother to walk

Pregnant women should be eye level as the front, the spine straight, and body weight should be placed on the heel, heel to toe to gradually fall. On the stairs, in order to maintain the spine remains straight, upper body should lean forward some. Eyes four sections above the third level.

Tip: do not wear high heels, choose soft, lightweight, low-heeled shoes to reduce the burden of lumbar spine.

Second, do housework Notes

When sweeping or vacuuming:

Both hands to hold the handle of the broom or vacuum cleaner, placed at an angle on the front. A small step one leg forward, slightly distorted, the other leg straight, upper body tilted slightly forward. Avoid neck and waist force. Pick up garbage, to use the long handle of the dustpan. In fact, whether you are pregnant, long into the dustpan are more in line with your physical characteristics.


General are relatively low kitchen desk, working when the need for bending. To keep the waist bend the neck fatigue, pregnant mothers can support his left hand held onto the console, with the right hand work.

Ironing clothes:

1, seated: the lower the ironing board height raised to a high degree of in your thigh. Do not bend over, arms force ironing.

2, standing: In order to maintain a balance, a delegation of the ironing board pads. Were placed on top you can rest your feet, so you can keep leaning forward. But we should pay attention to rest, not a long time to maintain an action.


1, if your washing machine is on the opening:

The laundry basket on the bench, almost the same height with the washing machine. Fulcrum in the washing machine to find two: the parallel legs apart, legs slightly bent, so that his knee on the body, leaning against the washing machine on the edge of the stomach, lower back slightly bent. Remove the clothes to do the same position.

2, if your washing machine is the next opening:

The laundry basket on the ground, a Tuixi covered, the other leg bent at right angles. An arm hold on the door of washing machines, so you can not bend down.

Third, personal notes

1, when the pregnant mother to lie down

If the lateral position of pregnant women, need to bend his legs up one after the other. If the lying position, when lying down, can put his legs bent, support from the pelvis, then gently twist the pelvis, until the adjustment of the waist comfortably close to the bed so far. Mothers of low back pain has occurred. Can be taken lying down, sleeping position, legs bent, leg Xiadian three or four pillows, which allows the greatest degree of relaxation waist. Put the number of pillows on the bed of pregnant women can not be overemphasized, as long as feel comfortable on the line.

2, sleep

Hard Banchuang sleep, do not sleep on that bed too soft Simmons. Best left to sleep lying down, legs buckling, can also be sandwiched between the legs of a small cushion, in order to reduce the burden on the waist. If you want to lie down, do not be too thick in the waist and the waist Xiadian a pad, that would be more comfortable.

3, the pregnant mother to wake up

Directly from the lying position is best not to lift the upper body, pregnant women and should be sideways, hand to help shore up the upper body.

Fourth, dietary considerations

1, a balanced diet, usually eat more nutritious food, such as bone soup, do not eat food containing too much fat.

2, vitamin supplements, during pregnancy, due to the rapid development of the fetus, Bulletin boards are likely to lack a variety of nutrition and minerals, especially calcium, vitamins and iron, once the lack of very easy to cause low back pain. When the back pain associated with leg "cramps", sciatica, in addition to up calcium, vitamin B1 supplement other, but also consult a doctor promptly for assistance. Suggested that the lack of slight tonic based.


1, low back pain frequently massage pregnant mother

With mild symptoms, you can do at home, home massage operation. At this point, but the fathers love big offer an excellent opportunity Yin, quickly learn the recipe for professional, authentic massage techniques, make time every day for the wife, oh sweet massage. Alternatively, you can do local hot, hot towel, gauze, and hot water bottle can, heat for half an hour a day, will also reduce pain perception.

2, pregnant mothers pay attention to the feet warm

Winter and spring, cold pressing, Bulletin boards must protect their feet and legs, and now wool socks, wool pants everything, do not cause the ice to themselves, have a bad cold will reflect the kidney, thereby causing severe low back pain.