
Premature ejaculation treatment without surgery

Mild conditioning premature ejaculation? premature ejaculation without surgery how long can good?

Impotence how long? Mild conditioning premature ejaculation?

Mild conditioning premature ejaculation? premature ejaculation, affecting men's health, but also affect the man's life, summed up the dangers of premature ejaculation have the following main aspects:
1, loss of self-confidence, increase the premature ejaculation condition that they do not make men "line", resulting in mental disorder, decreased self-confidence, and more heavy conditions, the formation of evil - the line cycle.
2, lack of energy, affecting the performance of the work hazards of premature ejaculation is bitter mouth, dry throat, red yellow urine, leaching - cloud, overcast - itchy, red tongue, yellow coating, pulse - a few strings, and long associated with lack of energy, fatigue God Lazy, restless sleep last night, fine thin cold, restless heart palpitations and so on, affect the work and life.
3, long-term effect of marital relations, so that the couple reach the line - at least - meet the vent - fine and wilt - soft, directly endangering the lives of the couple harmony lines, and to influence their emotions and family harmony.
4, family break - crack the hidden life in the line, the wife often do not feel the lines - fast - a sense of long-term can not be OK - at least - enough, the line will lose interest in life, leading to life on the line of indifference over the long term will Family breakdown will be hidden.

Want to completely cure premature ejaculation, drug therapy must be used, you can use 【Kami Ou - delay boutique】, Kami Ou is pure Chinese medicine, no side effects on the human body, from the root to cure premature ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse more than 40 minutes! As for the penis, premature ejaculation, impotence, kidney, room after fatigue with Kami Ou series of other products.