
Ovarian cancer and Chinese medicine treatment

I found the hospital had ovarian cancer, the trouble to ask the next Chinese can be cured?

In the treatment of ovarian cancer, most patients with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy to the treatment, but less than a year after surgery, ovarian area and grow new tumors, and some will be pain, etc., go to the hospital review, resulting in surgery relapse, recurrence of ovarian cancer, Western medicine has no good treatment, most patients are turning to traditional Chinese medicine to treat, then the advantage in the treatment of ovarian cancer, what does?

Beijing Heng Hospital expert said: advantages in the treatment of ovarian cancer is reflected in:

1, treatment of ovarian cancer after working a whole, comprehensive treatment. Breast cancer treatment aim is to restore patients due to surgical trauma and physical weakness caused by tumor infiltration, to prevent recurrence and metastasis, improve patient quality of life, and traditional Chinese medicine is the vital essence, the principle of dialectical banishment of evil spirits, put up chemotherapy side effects strong disadvantage.

2, breast cancer can be nourishing Qi, Spleen Qi and other treatment of bone marrow suppression, elevated white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, etc.

3, Chinese medicine can be a very good improvement of gastrointestinal disorders, to reduce nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension and other symptoms, ovarian cancer, accelerated postoperative recovery.

Therefore, experts advise the majority of ovarian cancer to remember, if ovarian cancer is surgical treatment must be combined with Chinese medicine to restore balance to prevent postoperative recurrence and metastasis, the effect in the treatment of ovarian cancer is very good.

How long has it? ? To the stage now, and what does not it? ? I can understand the look you suggested, I hope to help you! !

Incurable. No large-scale clinical studies can be confirmed.