
How to treat hemangioma better?

What is a hemangioma? Where treatment is better?

Hemangioma can be essentially divided into two: a Department of embryonic development of vascular development disorders, vascular abnormalities lead to excessive development or differentiation of the vascular malformation (hamartoma), one was due to abnormal proliferation of vascular endothelial cells produce true tumors. Divided into four kinds according to their structure, clinical course and prognosis vary -. In addition, the hemangioma is also often one of the manifestations of certain syndromes such as Sturge-Weber syndrome is a soft wine pigment spots and ipsilateral meningioma, Klippel Trenaunna wine pigmented triple syndrome that increases venous malformations and limb length discrepancy ; Parkes-Weber 'syndrome and Klippel Trenaunay syndrome, triple the performance of similar, which is often accompanied by action - venous fistula.