
How do Down's screening pregnant; Thank you

Best answer

The check was originally popular abroad for senior citizens over the age of 35 pregnant women, the accuracy of screening for Down low, many doctors recommend that you do, if not make you sign that he is responsible, this is scary. Now many hospitals are money pits. Down ratio did not reach your age, gestational age, weight, menstrual cycle are related, a little time allowed to check the results may lead to high risk, if high-risk, doctors will suggest you to do amniocentesis, this is dangerous and even lead to miscarriage and bacterial infections, to believe in themselves. As long as the pregnancy is not taking antibiotics, I believe that their baby is healthy. . . You can also access information online. . Now abroad, and many other countries will have to cancel this check, the check out, most pregnant women can cause low mood, in fact, many are no problem. It threatened their own, and now the medical ethics community no longer exists.

Our hospitals are generally 16 to 20 weeks
In addition, there were 13 weeks of pregnancy screening